Tenacious Patch - 0.2

Once again we did some testing, and decided to change and improve some things.

Let me give you a rundown of the changes:


  • The giant TT-Tower in the center of the map is now smaller, so it can be seen more easily.
  • Changed some item chances. Hopefully this will allow for more interesting, tactical gameplay around the items.


  • Explosions now melt the frozen floor.
  • The ice bomb now correctly stuns the player upon being hit.
  • Fixed a bug where objects wouldn't unfreeze.
  • Fixed 'slow' gamepad navigation in the main menu.


  • Added sparkles to the golden item chest.
  • Added more fire to burning crate remainings.

Additionally, we added a 'Controls' menu to the main menu, where you can see how to play the game!

Again, we'll have to test these changes thoroughly, we're super excited how they'll play out though! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this, so if you tried the latest patch, feel free to hit us up with feedback!

Tanks for reading this! 


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